Environment Management with uv
Disclaimer: This post has been translated to English using a machine translation model. Please, let me know if you find any mistakes.
So far I have been managing my environments with conda. But for a while now I've been reading a lot about poetry
, but especially about uv
. What are the advantages of uv
? Speed. uv
is implemented in Rust, so it manages environments and installs packages extremely quickly.
The following table shows the speed difference between different package managers. Source: LLMs-from-scratch/setup/01_optional-python-setup-preferences/native-uv.md
Command | Speed |
conda install <pkg> | slow |
pip install <pkg> | up to 10 times faster than the previous version |
uv pip install <pkg> | between 5 and 10 times faster than the previous |
uv add <pkg> | between 2 and 5 times faster than the previous |
Looking at the table, it's definitely worth using uv
. So let's see how to create an environment and install packages with uv
Repository download
As I said, I am using LLMs-from-scratch/setup/01_optional-python-setup-preferences /native-uv.md as the source, so let's download the repository, install the proposed environment, and see how to run a script.
We use --depth 1
to download only the latest commit of the repository and make it clone faster, we are not interested in the history.
git clone https://github.com/rasbt/LLMs-from-scratch.git --depth 1
Cloning into 'LLMs-from-scratch'...remote: Enumerating objects: 260, done.remote: Counting objects: 100% (260/260), done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (226/226), done.remote: Total 260 (delta 61), reused 121 (delta 22), pack-reused 0 (from 0)Receiving objects: 100% (260/260), 1.64 MiB | 6.94 MiB/s, done.Resolving deltas: 100% (61/61), done.
Now we are going to the repository that we have downloaded
cd LLMs-from-scratch
Install uv

If we are on macOS or Linux, we can install using the command
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh
If we are on Windows
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh
Create environment
If we do an ls
we can see that there is a file called pyproject.toml
, this will be the file that uv
will use to create the environment.
2025-03-10-uv.ipynb appendix-D ch04 pyproject.tomlCITATION.cff appendix-E ch05 requirements.txtLICENSE.txt ch01 ch06 setupREADME.md ch02 ch07appendix-A ch03 pixi.toml
So let's see what the file has
cat pyproject.toml
[project]name = "llms-from-scratch"version = "0.1.0"description = "Implement a ChatGPT-like LLM in PyTorch from scratch, step by step"readme = "README.md"requires-python = ">=3.10"dependencies = ["torch>=2.3.0","jupyterlab>=4.0","tiktoken>=0.5.1","matplotlib>=3.7.1","tensorflow>=2.18.0","tqdm>=4.66.1","numpy>=1.26,<2.1","pandas>=2.2.1","pip>=25.0.1",][tool.setuptools.packages]find = {}[tool.uv.sources]llms-from-scratch = { workspace = true }[dependency-groups]dev = ["llms-from-scratch",][tool.ruff]line-length = 140[tool.ruff.lint]exclude = [".venv"]# Ignored rules (W504 removed)ignore = ["C406", "E226", "E402", "E702", "E703","E722", "E731", "E741"]
As can be seen, there are data such as the name, version, etc., and the dependencies, which are the packages we are going to install.
To create the environment, we use the command uv sync
, and we add the --dev
flag to also install development dependencies and the --python
flag to specify the version of Python we want to use.
uv sync --dev --python 3.11
Using CPython 3.11.11Creating virtual environment at: .venvResolved 160 packages in 175msInstalled 139 packages in 1.46s+ absl-py==2.1.0+ anyio==4.8.0+ appnope==0.1.4+ argon2-cffi==23.1.0+ argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0+ arrow==1.3.0+ asttokens==3.0.0+ astunparse==1.6.3+ async-lru==2.0.4+ attrs==25.1.0+ babel==2.17.0+ beautifulsoup4==4.13.3+ bleach==6.2.0+ certifi==2025.1.31+ cffi==1.17.1+ charset-normalizer==3.4.1+ comm==0.2.2+ contourpy==1.3.1+ cycler==0.12.1+ debugpy==1.8.13+ decorator==5.2.1+ defusedxml==0.7.1+ executing==2.2.0+ fastjsonschema==2.21.1+ filelock==3.17.0+ flatbuffers==25.2.10+ fonttools==4.56.0+ fqdn==1.5.1+ fsspec==2025.3.0+ gast==0.6.0+ google-pasta==0.2.0+ grpcio==1.70.0+ h11==0.14.0+ h5py==3.13.0+ httpcore==1.0.7+ httpx==0.28.1+ idna==3.10+ ipykernel==6.29.5+ ipython==9.0.2+ ipython-pygments-lexers==1.1.1+ isoduration==20.11.0+ jedi==0.19.2+ jinja2==3.1.6+ json5==0.10.0+ jsonpointer==3.0.0+ jsonschema==4.23.0+ jsonschema-specifications==2024.10.1+ jupyter-client==8.6.3+ jupyter-core==5.7.2+ jupyter-events==0.12.0+ jupyter-lsp==2.2.5+ jupyter-server==2.15.0+ jupyter-server-terminals==0.5.3+ jupyterlab==4.3.5+ jupyterlab-pygments==0.3.0+ jupyterlab-server==2.27.3+ keras==3.9.0+ kiwisolver==1.4.8+ libclang==18.1.1+ markdown==3.7+ markdown-it-py==3.0.0+ markupsafe==3.0.2+ matplotlib==3.10.1+ matplotlib-inline==0.1.7+ mdurl==0.1.2+ mistune==3.1.2+ ml-dtypes==0.4.1+ mpmath==1.3.0+ namex==0.0.8+ nbclient==0.10.2+ nbconvert==7.16.6+ nbformat==5.10.4+ nest-asyncio==1.6.0+ networkx==3.4.2+ notebook-shim==0.2.4+ numpy==2.0.2+ opt-einsum==3.4.0+ optree==0.14.1+ overrides==7.7.0+ packaging==24.2+ pandas==2.2.3+ pandocfilters==1.5.1+ parso==0.8.4+ pexpect==4.9.0+ pillow==11.1.0+ pip==25.0.1+ platformdirs==4.3.6+ prometheus-client==0.21.1+ prompt-toolkit==3.0.50+ protobuf==5.29.3+ psutil==7.0.0+ ptyprocess==0.7.0+ pure-eval==0.2.3+ pycparser==2.22+ pygments==2.19.1+ pyparsing==3.2.1+ python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0+ python-json-logger==3.3.0+ pytz==2025.1+ pyyaml==6.0.2+ pyzmq==26.2.1+ referencing==0.36.2+ regex==2024.11.6+ requests==2.32.3+ rfc3339-validator==0.1.4+ rfc3986-validator==0.1.1+ rich==13.9.4+ rpds-py==0.23.1+ send2trash==1.8.3+ setuptools==76.0.0+ six==1.17.0+ sniffio==1.3.1+ soupsieve==2.6+ stack-data==0.6.3+ sympy==1.13.1+ tensorboard==2.18.0+ tensorboard-data-server==0.7.2+ tensorflow==2.18.0+ tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem==0.37.1+ termcolor==2.5.0+ terminado==0.18.1+ tiktoken==0.9.0+ tinycss2==1.4.0+ torch==2.6.0+ tornado==6.4.2+ tqdm==4.67.1+ traitlets==5.14.3+ types-python-dateutil== typing-extensions==4.12.2+ tzdata==2025.1+ uri-template==1.3.0+ urllib3==2.3.0+ wcwidth==0.2.13+ webcolors==24.11.1+ webencodings==0.5.1+ websocket-client==1.8.0+ werkzeug==3.1.3+ wheel==0.45.1+ wrapt==1.17.2
It has created the environment and installed the packages in a lightning-fast way
Moreover, if we run ls
again now we will see a new folder called .venv
, that is the folder for the virtual environment.
ls -a
. CITATION.cff ch02 pyproject.toml.. LICENSE.txt ch03 requirements.txt.git README.md ch04 setup.github appendix-A ch05 uv.lock.gitignore appendix-D ch06.venv appendix-E ch072025-03-10-uv.ipynb ch01 pixi.toml
Add packages
If we want to add packages to our environment that are not in the pyproject.toml
file, we can do so with the command uv add <pkg>
For example, if we run cat pyproject.toml | grep dotenv
we will see that the package python-dotenv
is not installed.
cat pyproject.toml | grep dotenv
So we add the package
uv add dotenv
Resolved 162 packages in 92msInstalled 2 packages in 5ms â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘ [0/0] Installing wheels...+ dotenv==0.9.9+ python-dotenv==1.0.1
If we now run cat pyproject.toml | grep dotenv
again, we will see that it has been added to the file.
cat pyproject.toml | grep dotenv
This is very good because now with this new pyproject.toml
file we can recreate the environment with the command uv sync
on any other computer.
Running a script
Now that we have an environment, we can run a script in two ways, the first with uv run python <script>.py
, which will activate the .venv
environment and run the script.
uv run python setup/02_installing-python-libraries/python_environment_check.py
[OK] Your Python version is 3.11.11[OK] torch 2.6.0[OK] jupyterlab 4.3.5[OK] tiktoken 0.9.0[OK] matplotlib 3.10.1[OK] tensorflow 2.18.0[OK] tqdm 4.67.1[OK] numpy 2.0.2[OK] pandas 2.2.3[OK] psutil 7.0.0
However, if what we want is to run the script directly with python <script>.py
, we need to activate the environment manually first.
source .venv/bin/activate && python setup/02_installing-python-libraries/python_environment_check.py
[OK] Your Python version is 3.11.11[OK] torch 2.6.0[OK] jupyterlab 4.3.5[OK] tiktoken 0.9.0[OK] matplotlib 3.10.1[OK] tensorflow 2.18.0[OK] tqdm 4.67.1[OK] numpy 2.0.2[OK] pandas 2.2.3[OK] psutil 7.0.0