
Conda Conda

Condalink image 0

A la hora de trabajar en ciencia de datos, inteligencia artificial, deep learning, o como le quieras llamar, vamos a hacer varios proyectos. Y puede que en unos tengas que instalar por ejemplo la versión 11.6 de cuda y en otros la 11.8. Y en esos casos te lo aconsejes, nunca te pelees con cuda, siempre sale ganando.

Por tanto lo mejor es crear entornos distintos para cada proyecto. De esta manera podrás instalar lo que quieras en cada entorno y no de manera global. Y así no tendrás problemas de incopatibilidades con versiones de librerías.

Para crear entornos python trae por defecto venv que son sus entornos virtuales. Pero te recomiendo que uses conda para crear tus entornos virtuales, ya que a parte de crear entornos virtuales, también es un gestor de paquetes, y es mejor gestor de paquetes que pip.

Este no es un post explicativo de conda, por lo que no vas a encontrar cómo instalarlo ni cómo usarlo. Es un post en el que se cuentan las ventajas de usar conda y además de usar mamba (que explicaremos más adelante)

Voy a crear tres entornos de conda distintos, uno se llamará pip_env, otro conda_env y otro mamba_env

Conda vs PIPlink image 1

pip_envlink image 2

Voy a crear un nuevo entorno llamado pip_env

!conda create -n pip_env

En el entorno pip_env voy a instalar pandas

!conda create -n pip_env
# pip_env
!pip install pandas
Collecting pandas
Using cached pandas-2.0.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (12.3 MB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.21.0 in /home/wallabot/miniconda3/envs/pip_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pandas) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.2 in /home/wallabot/miniconda3/envs/pip_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pandas) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /home/wallabot/miniconda3/envs/pip_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pandas) (2023.3)
Requirement already satisfied: tzdata>=2022.1 in /home/wallabot/miniconda3/envs/pip_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pandas) (2023.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /home/wallabot/miniconda3/envs/pip_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.2->pandas) (1.16.0)
Installing collected packages: pandas
Successfully installed pandas-2.0.1

Como se puede ver en el texto que ha salido al instalar pandas, este depende de numpy por lo que lo instala en su versión 1.24.3. Pero si por la razón que sea necesitamos numpy en su versión 1.19, si lo intentamos instalar nos dará un error

# pip_env
!pip install numpy==1.19.0
Collecting numpy==1.19.0
Using cached (7.3 MB)
Installing build dependencies ... done
Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... done
Building wheels for collected packages: numpy
Building wheel for numpy (pyproject.toml) ... error
error: subprocess-exited-with-error
× Building wheel for numpy (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.
exit code: 1
╰─> [1113 lines of output]
Running from numpy source directory.
Cythonizing sources
numpy/random/ has not changed
numpy/random/ has not changed
numpy/random/_philox.pyx has not changed
numpy/random/_mt19937.pyx has not changed
numpy/random/_sfc64.pyx has not changed
numpy/random/mtrand.pyx has not changed
numpy/random/_common.pyx has not changed
Processing numpy/random/_bounded_integers.pyx
/tmp/pip-install-ck7a9pm3/numpy_29fbb9718a2c432e9d67310f12d6c54b/tools/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
required_version = LooseVersion('0.29.14')
/tmp/pip-install-ck7a9pm3/numpy_29fbb9718a2c432e9d67310f12d6c54b/tools/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
ERROR: Failed building wheel for numpy
Failed to build numpy
ERROR: Could not build wheels for numpy, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Nos ha dado un error, y si vemos qué versión de numpy tenemos, vemos que seguimos con la 1.24.3

# pip_env
import numpy as np

Y vemos qué versión de pandas tenemos

# pip_env
import pandas as pd

conda_envlink image 3

Para resolvers este conflicto, podemos usar conda, creo un nuevo entorno llamado conda_env

!conda create -n conda_env

y ahora le decimos que queremos instalar numpy en la versión 1.19 y pandas, y conda buscará la manera de hacerlo

!conda create -n conda_env
# conda_env
!conda install -y numpy=1.19 pandas
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
## Package Plan ##
environment location: /home/wallabot/miniconda3/envs/conda_env
added / updated specs:
- numpy=1.19
- pandas
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
ca-certificates-2023.01.10 | h06a4308_0 120 KB
certifi-2021.5.30 | py36h06a4308_0 139 KB
intel-openmp-2022.1.0 | h9e868ea_3769 4.5 MB
mkl-2020.2 | 256 138.3 MB
mkl-service-2.3.0 | py36he8ac12f_0 52 KB
mkl_fft-1.3.0 | py36h54f3939_0 170 KB
mkl_random-1.1.1 | py36h0573a6f_0 327 KB
numpy-1.19.2 | py36h54aff64_0 22 KB
numpy-base-1.19.2 | py36hfa32c7d_0 4.1 MB
pandas-1.1.5 | py36ha9443f7_0 8.2 MB
pytz-2021.3 | pyhd3eb1b0_0 171 KB
Total: 156.1 MB
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done

Parece que lo ha conseguido, vamos a ver

# conda_env
import numpy as np
# conda_env
import pandas as pd

Vemos que ha podido instalar los dos, solo que para poder resolver los conflictos ha instalado pandas en su versión 1.1.5, en vez de en la versión 2.0.1 que había instalado pip

Mamba vs condalink image 4

Una vez hemos visto que conda es mejor para resolver conflictos, veamos ahora la diferencia de usar mamba y conda. Conda como hemos visto es muy bueno resolviendo conflictos, pero tiene el problema de que es lento instalando paquetes, ya que las dependencias las instala en serie, una detrás de otra. Gracias a mamba vamos a tener los mismo beneficios de conda, solo que las dependencias se van a instalar en paralelo, haciendo uso de los kernels que tengamos en nuestro micro

conda_envlink image 5

Vamos a seguir en el entorno conda_env y vamos a ver cuánto tarda en instalarse pytorch. Poniendo time antes de un comando vemos cuánto tarda en ejecutarse

# conda_env
!time conda install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
## Package Plan ##
environment location: /home/wallabot/miniconda3/envs/conda_env
added / updated specs:
- pytorch
- pytorch-cuda=11.8
- torchaudio
- torchvision
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
bzip2-1.0.8 | h7b6447c_0 78 KB
cuda-cudart-11.8.89 | 0 197 KB nvidia
cuda-cupti-11.8.87 | 0 25.3 MB nvidia
cuda-libraries-11.8.0 | 0 1 KB nvidia
cuda-nvrtc-11.8.89 | 0 19.1 MB nvidia
cuda-nvtx-11.8.86 | 0 57 KB nvidia
cuda-runtime-11.8.0 | 0 1 KB nvidia
cudatoolkit-11.3.1 | ha36c431_9 815.2 MB nvidia
dataclasses-0.8 | pyh4f3eec9_6 22 KB
libcublas- | 0 364.0 MB nvidia
libcufft- | 0 142.8 MB nvidia
libcufile- | 0 764 KB nvidia
libcurand- | 0 51.7 MB nvidia
libcusolver- | 0 96.5 MB nvidia
libcusparse- | 0 176.3 MB nvidia
libnpp- | 0 147.8 MB nvidia
libnvjpeg- | 0 2.4 MB nvidia
olefile-0.46 | py36_0 48 KB
openjpeg-2.4.0 | h3ad879b_0 331 KB
pillow-8.3.1 | py36h2c7a002_0 637 KB
pytorch-1.10.2 |py3.6_cuda11.3_cudnn8.2.0_0 1.21 GB pytorch
pytorch-cuda-11.8 | h7e8668a_3 7 KB pytorch
torchaudio-0.10.2 | py36_cu113 4.5 MB pytorch
torchvision-0.11.3 | py36_cu113 30.4 MB pytorch
typing_extensions-4.1.1 | pyh06a4308_0 28 KB
Total: 3.04 GB
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: / By downloading and using the CUDA Toolkit conda packages, you accept the terms and conditions of the CUDA End User License Agreement (EULA):
conda install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch 294,42s user 18,01s system 187% cpu 2:46,42 total

Vemos que ha tardado 294,42 segundos, unos 4.9 minutos, casi 5 minutos

mamba_envlink image 6

Ahora vamos a volver a instalar pytorch, pero con mamba. Primero creamos un entorno llamado mamba_env

!conda create -n mamba_env

Para instalar mamba descargarlo de mambaforge e instalarlo

Ahora volvemos a instalar pytorch en mamba_env

!conda create -n mamba_env
# mamba_env
!time mamba install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
__ __ __ __
/ \ / \ / \ / \
/ \/ \/ \/ \
███████████████/ /██/ /██/ /██/ /████████████████████████
/ / / / / ____
/ / _/ _/ _/ o __,
/ _/ _____/ `
███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ███╗ ███╗██████╗ █████╗
████╗ ████║██╔══██╗████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗
██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║██████╔╝██║ ██║
╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
mamba (1.3.1) supported by @QuantStack
Looking for: ['pytorch', 'torchvision', 'torchaudio', 'pytorch-cuda=11.8']
warning libmamba Could not parse state file: Could not load cache state: [json.exception.type_error.302] type must be string, but is null
warning libmamba Could not parse state file: Could not load cache state: [json.exception.type_error.302] type must be string, but is null
warning libmamba Could not parse state file: Could not load cache state: [json.exception.type_error.302] type must be string, but is null
warning libmamba Could not parse state file: Could not load cache state: [json.exception.type_error.302] type must be string, but is null
[+] 0.0s
[+] 0.1s
pytorch/linux-64 ━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0 B / ??.?MB @ ??.?MB/s 0.1s
pytorch/noarch ━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━ 0.0 B / ??.?MB @ ??.?MB/s 0.1s
nvidia/linux-64 ━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0 B / ??.?MB @ ??.?MB/s 0.1s
nvidia/noarch ━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0 B / ??.?MB @ ??.?MB/s 0.1s
pkgs/main/linux-64 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━ 0.0 B / ??.?MB @ ??.?MB/s 0.1spkgs/main/linux-64 No change
pkgs/r/noarch No change
pytorch/noarch 10.1kB @ 58.3kB/s 0.2s
nvidia/noarch 3.4kB @ 18.7kB/s 0.2s
pkgs/main/noarch No change
[+] 0.2s
pytorch/linux-64 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0 B / ??.?MB @ ??.?MB/s 0.2s
nvidia/linux-64 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0 B / ??.?MB @ ??.?MB/s 0.2s
pkgs/r/linux-64 ━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0 B / ??.?MB @ ??.?MB/s 0.0spytorch/linux-64 163.4kB @ 801.5kB/s 0.2s
pkgs/r/linux-64 No change
nvidia/linux-64 120.2kB @ 566.5kB/s 0.2s
Pinned packages:
- python 3.10.*
Prefix: /home/wallabot/miniconda3/envs/mamba_env2
Updating specs:
- pytorch
- torchvision
- torchaudio
- pytorch-cuda=11.8
- ca-certificates
- certifi
- openssl
Package Version Build Channel Size
+ blas 1.0 mkl pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ brotlipy 0.7.0 py310h7f8727e_1002 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ cffi 1.15.1 py310h5eee18b_3 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ charset-normalizer 2.0.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0 pkgs/main/noarch Cached
+ cryptography 39.0.1 py310h9ce1e76_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ cuda-cudart 11.8.89 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ cuda-cupti 11.8.87 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ cuda-libraries 11.8.0 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ cuda-nvrtc 11.8.89 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ cuda-nvtx 11.8.86 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ cuda-runtime 11.8.0 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ ffmpeg 4.3 hf484d3e_0 pytorch/linux-64 Cached
+ filelock 3.9.0 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ freetype 2.12.1 h4a9f257_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ giflib 5.2.1 h5eee18b_3 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ gmp 6.2.1 h295c915_3 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ gmpy2 2.1.2 py310heeb90bb_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ gnutls 3.6.15 he1e5248_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ idna 3.4 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ intel-openmp 2021.4.0 h06a4308_3561 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ jinja2 3.1.2 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ jpeg 9e h5eee18b_1 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ lame 3.100 h7b6447c_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ lcms2 2.12 h3be6417_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ lerc 3.0 h295c915_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libcublas 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ libcufft 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ libcufile 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ libcurand 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ libcusolver 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ libcusparse 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ libdeflate 1.17 h5eee18b_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libiconv 1.16 h7f8727e_2 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libidn2 2.3.2 h7f8727e_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libnpp 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ libnvjpeg 0 nvidia/linux-64 Cached
+ libpng 1.6.39 h5eee18b_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libtasn1 4.19.0 h5eee18b_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libtiff 4.5.0 h6a678d5_2 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libunistring 0.9.10 h27cfd23_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libwebp 1.2.4 h11a3e52_1 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ libwebp-base 1.2.4 h5eee18b_1 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ lz4-c 1.9.4 h6a678d5_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ markupsafe 2.1.1 py310h7f8727e_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ mkl 2021.4.0 h06a4308_640 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ mkl-service 2.4.0 py310h7f8727e_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ mkl_fft 1.3.1 py310hd6ae3a3_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ mkl_random 1.2.2 py310h00e6091_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ mpc 1.1.0 h10f8cd9_1 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ mpfr 4.0.2 hb69a4c5_1 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ mpmath 1.2.1 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ nettle 3.7.3 hbbd107a_1 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ networkx 2.8.4 py310h06a4308_1 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ numpy 1.24.3 py310hd5efca6_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 11kB
+ numpy-base 1.24.3 py310h8e6c178_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 7MB
+ openh264 2.1.1 h4ff587b_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ pillow 9.4.0 py310h6a678d5_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ pycparser 2.21 pyhd3eb1b0_0 pkgs/main/noarch Cached
+ pyopenssl 23.0.0 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ pysocks 1.7.1 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ pytorch 2.0.0 py3.10_cuda11.8_cudnn8.7.0_0 pytorch/linux-64 2GB
+ pytorch-cuda 11.8 h7e8668a_3 pytorch/linux-64 Cached
+ pytorch-mutex 1.0 cuda pytorch/noarch Cached
+ requests 2.29.0 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 99kB
+ sympy 1.11.1 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ torchaudio 2.0.0 py310_cu118 pytorch/linux-64 8MB
+ torchtriton 2.0.0 py310 pytorch/linux-64 Cached
+ torchvision 0.15.0 py310_cu118 pytorch/linux-64 8MB
+ typing_extensions 4.5.0 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 49kB
+ urllib3 1.26.15 py310h06a4308_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
+ zstd 1.5.5 hc292b87_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
- openssl 1.1.1s h7f8727e_0 anaconda
+ openssl 1.1.1t h7f8727e_0 pkgs/main/linux-64 Cached
Install: 71 packages
Upgrade: 1 packages
Total download: 2GB
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
mamba install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch 121,61s user 7,63s system 95% cpu 2:14,75 total

Ahora ha tardado 121,61 segundos, unos 2 minutos. Menos de la mitad que con conda

Crear un entorno desde un archivolink image 7

Puede que queramos crear un entorno con una lista de paquetes determinada, así que podemos pasarle un archivo a conda para que nos cree el entorno con esos paquetes. Para ello creamos un archivo llamado environment.yml con un contenido como el siguiente

      name: entorno_desde_archivo
        - defaults
        - conda-forge
        - pytorch
        - nvidia
          - python=3.11
          - cudatoolkit=11.8
          - pytorch=2.2.1
          - torchaudio
          - torchvision
          - pip
          - pip:
              - transformers

Como vemos se le indica el nombre del entorno, los canales que vamos a usar, los paquetes con sus versiones que vamos a instalar a través de conda y los paquetes que vamos a instalar a través de pip. Ahora le decimos a conda que nos cree el entorno con esos paquetes

conda env create -f environment.yml

Creamos el archivo

!touch environment.yml
&& echo "name: entorno_desde_archivo" >> environment.yml \
&& echo "channels:" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - defaults" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - conda-forge" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - pytorch" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - nvidia" >> environment.yml \
&& echo "dependencies:" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - python=3.11" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - cudatoolkit=11.8" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - pytorch=2.2.1" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - torchaudio" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - torchvision" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - pip" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - pip:" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - transformers" >> environment.yml

Ahora que tenemos el archivo podemos crear el entorno personalizado

!touch environment.yml
&& echo "name: entorno_desde_archivo" >> environment.yml \
&& echo "channels:" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - defaults" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - conda-forge" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - pytorch" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - nvidia" >> environment.yml \
&& echo "dependencies:" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - python=3.11" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - cudatoolkit=11.8" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - pytorch=2.2.1" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - torchaudio" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - torchvision" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - pip" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - pip:" >> environment.yml \
&& echo " - transformers" >> environment.yml
!conda env create -f environment.yml
Retrieving notices: ...working... done
- defaults
- conda-forge
- pytorch
- nvidia
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
current version: 23.11.0
latest version: 24.1.2
Please update conda by running
$ conda update -n base -c conda-forge conda
Downloading and Extracting Packages:
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | | 0%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | | 0%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | | 0%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | | 0%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | | 0%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | | 0%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | | 0%
python-3.11.8 | 32.9 MB | | 0%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | | 0%
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 16.9 MB | | 0%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | | 0%
torchvision-0.15.2 | 10.3 MB | | 0%
numpy-base-1.26.4 | 8.3 MB | | 0%
torchaudio-2.2.1 | 6.4 MB | | 0%
libnvjpeg- | 2.9 MB | | 0%
libcufile- | 1.0 MB | | 0%
xz-5.4.6 | 651 KB | | 0%
bzip2-1.0.8 | 262 KB | | 0%
cuda-cudart-12.1.105 | 189 KB | | 0%
tzdata-2024a | 116 KB | | 0%
cuda-nvtx-12.1.105 | 57 KB | | 0%
cuda-opencl-12.4.99 | 11 KB | | 0%
... (more hidden) ...
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | | 0%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | | 0%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | | 0%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | | 0%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | 2 | 1%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | 3 | 1%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | 1 | 0%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | 5 | 2%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | 6 | 2%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | 2 | 1%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | 9 | 2%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | 8 | 2%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | 3 | 1%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #2 | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | # | 3%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 1 | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | 4 | 1%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #5 | 4%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #3 | 4%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 1 | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | 5 | 2%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #8 | 5%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 2 | 1%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #5 | 4%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | 6 | 2%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##2 | 6%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 2 | 1%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #8 | 5%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | 7 | 2%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 2 | 1%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##1 | 6%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ## | 6%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##8 | 8%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 3 | 1%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##4 | 7%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##2 | 6%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | 9 | 3%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###2 | 9%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 3 | 1%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##5 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###5 | 10%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | # | 3%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 3 | 1%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##7 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###9 | 11%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ###4 | 9%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 4 | 1%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##9 | 8%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ###7 | 10%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ####2 | 12%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 4 | 1%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###1 | 8%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #### | 11%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ####6 | 12%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 4 | 1%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###3 | 9%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ####4 | 12%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ####9 | 13%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 5 | 1%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###5 | 10%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ####7 | 13%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #####2 | 14%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 5 | 2%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###7 | 10%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##### | 14%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #####6 | 15%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 5 | 2%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #####4 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###8 | 11%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###### | 16%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 6 | 2%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #####7 | 16%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ######4 | 17%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 6 | 2%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #9 | 5%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ######1 | 17%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 7 | 2%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####2 | 11%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ## | 6%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ######4 | 17%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 7 | 2%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####4 | 12%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##1 | 6%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ######8 | 18%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 7 | 2%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####5 | 12%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##2 | 6%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #######2 | 19%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 8 | 2%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####7 | 13%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##3 | 6%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #######5 | 21%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 8 | 2%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####8 | 13%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##4 | 7%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #######9 | 22%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 8 | 2%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##### | 14%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##5 | 7%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ########3 | 23%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 9 | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####1 | 14%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##6 | 7%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ########7 | 24%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | 9 | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####3 | 14%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##7 | 8%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ######### | 25%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | # | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####5 | 15%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##8 | 8%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | # | 3%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##########3 | 28%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####6 | 15%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##9 | 8%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #########8 | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | # | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####8 | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ### | 8%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##########2 | 28%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #1 | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###### | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###1 | 9%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #1 | 3%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###########5 | 31%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######1 | 17%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###2 | 9%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##########9 | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #2 | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######3 | 17%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###3 | 9%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #2 | 3%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ############2 | 33%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######4 | 18%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###4 | 9%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #2 | 3%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ############6 | 34%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######6 | 18%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###5 | 10%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #3 | 4%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ############# | 35%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######8 | 18%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###6 | 10%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #3 | 4%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######9 | 19%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #############3 | 36%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###7 | 10%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ############7 | 34%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######1 | 19%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #3 | 4%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###9 | 11%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #############1 | 35%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######3 | 20%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #4 | 4%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #### | 11%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #############4 | 36%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##############4 | 39%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #4 | 4%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####1 | 11%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #############8 | 37%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #5 | 4%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######6 | 21%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####2 | 11%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##############2 | 39%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #5 | 4%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######8 | 21%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####3 | 12%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##############6 | 40%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #5 | 4%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######9 | 22%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####4 | 12%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ############### | 41%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #6 | 4%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########1 | 22%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####5 | 12%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ###############4 | 42%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #6 | 5%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########2 | 22%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####5 | 12%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ###############8 | 43%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #7 | 5%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########4 | 23%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ################2 | 44%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####6 | 13%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #7 | 5%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########5 | 23%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ################6 | 45%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #7 | 5%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #################5 | 48%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########7 | 24%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ################# | 46%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #8 | 5%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #################9 | 49%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########8 | 24%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #################4 | 47%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #8 | 5%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##################3 | 50%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######### | 24%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##### | 14%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #9 | 5%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##################7 | 51%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #########1 | 25%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####1 | 14%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #9 | 5%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###################1 | 52%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #########3 | 25%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####2 | 14%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ## | 5%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###################6 | 53%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #########5 | 26%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ## | 6%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #################### | 54%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##################9 | 51%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #########6 | 26%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ## | 6%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ####################4 | 55%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ###################2 | 52%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #########8 | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##1 | 6%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ####################9 | 57%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ###################6 | 53%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##1 | 6%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####5 | 15%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #####################3 | 58%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ###################9 | 54%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##2 | 6%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #####################8 | 59%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####6 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##########3 | 28%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ####################2 | 55%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##2 | 6%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####6 | 15%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ####################6 | 56%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##########4 | 28%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ######################8 | 62%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##3 | 6%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ####################9 | 57%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##########6 | 29%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #######################2 | 63%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##3 | 6%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #####################2 | 58%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##########8 | 29%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##4 | 7%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####9 | 16%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #####################6 | 58%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##########9 | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##4 | 7%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####9 | 16%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #####################9 | 59%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########1 | 30%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ########################7 | 67%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ######################3 | 60%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###### | 16%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##4 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #########################2 | 68%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ######################7 | 61%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######1 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########5 | 31%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##5 | 7%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ####################### | 62%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######2 | 17%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##5 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##########################2 | 71%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######3 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########9 | 32%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##5 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##########################7 | 72%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######3 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############1 | 33%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##6 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###########################2 | 74%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######4 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############3 | 33%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##6 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###########################6 | 75%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############5 | 34%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######5 | 18%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##6 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ############################1 | 76%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############7 | 34%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######5 | 18%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##7 | 7%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ############################6 | 77%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############9 | 35%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######6 | 18%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##7 | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #############################1 | 79%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############1 | 35%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######7 | 18%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##8 | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #############################6 | 80%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############3 | 36%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######8 | 18%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##8 | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##############################1 | 81%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############4 | 36%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ########################## | 70%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##8 | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##############################6 | 83%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############6 | 37%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######9 | 19%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##9 | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###############################1 | 84%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############8 | 38%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####### | 19%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##9 | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ###############################6 | 85%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############## | 38%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####### | 19%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ### | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ################################1 | 87%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############2 | 39%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######1 | 19%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ### | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ################################6 | 88%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############4 | 39%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######2 | 19%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###1 | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #################################1 | 89%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############6 | 40%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######2 | 20%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###1 | 8%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | #################################6 | 91%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############8 | 40%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###1 | 9%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######3 | 20%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##################################1 | 92%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############### | 41%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###2 | 9%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######3 | 20%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##################################6 | 94%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############2 | 41%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ############################8 | 78%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###2 | 9%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######4 | 20%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############3 | 42%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #############################1 | 79%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###3 | 9%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######5 | 20%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############5 | 42%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #############################4 | 80%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###3 | 9%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######5 | 20%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############7 | 42%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #############################7 | 80%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###3 | 9%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######6 | 21%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############8 | 43%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###4 | 9%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######7 | 21%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ################1 | 44%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###4 | 9%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######8 | 21%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ################3 | 44%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###5 | 10%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######9 | 21%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | | 0%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ################5 | 45%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###6 | 10%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######## | 22%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | 5 | 1%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ################7 | 45%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###6 | 10%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######## | 22%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #1 | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ################8 | 46%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###7 | 10%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########1 | 22%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #6 | 5%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ################# | 46%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###7 | 10%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##2 | 6%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########2 | 22%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #################2 | 47%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###8 | 10%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##8 | 8%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########3 | 23%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ################################7 | 89%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###8 | 10%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###4 | 9%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###9 | 11%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #### | 11%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########4 | 23%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##################5 | 50%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####1 | 11%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###9 | 11%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########4 | 23%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####1 | 11%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #################################3 | 90%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ####4 | 12%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########5 | 23%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###################2 | 52%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #################################5 | 91%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########6 | 23%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####2 | 11%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###################5 | 53%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | #################################8 | 91%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########6 | 23%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####2 | 12%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###################8 | 54%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ################################## | 92%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########7 | 24%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####3 | 12%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####################1 | 55%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##################################3 | 93%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####3 | 12%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####################4 | 55%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##################################5 | 93%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########9 | 24%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####4 | 12%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##################################8 | 94%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####################7 | 56%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######### | 24%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ######7 | 18%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####4 | 12%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########1 | 25%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #######1 | 19%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##################### | 57%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####5 | 12%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########2 | 25%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #######5 | 20%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####################2 | 57%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####5 | 12%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########3 | 25%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #######9 | 21%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####6 | 13%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####################4 | 58%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########4 | 26%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ########2 | 22%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ####################################5 | 99%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####6 | 13%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####################6 | 59%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ########6 | 23%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ####################################9 | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####7 | 13%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #########1 | 25%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #####################8 | 59%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########8 | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####7 | 13%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###################### | 60%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########## | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####7 | 13%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######################2 | 60%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##########1 | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####8 | 13%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######################4 | 61%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | 5 | 2%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##########3 | 28%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####8 | 13%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #1 | 3%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######################6 | 61%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##########4 | 28%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###########7 | 32%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #9 | 5%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####9 | 13%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######################7 | 62%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ##8 | 8%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ############1 | 33%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####9 | 13%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######################9 | 62%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ###7 | 10%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##########8 | 29%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####9 | 13%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ####5 | 12%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####################### | 62%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########### | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####9 | 14%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #####5 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######################2 | 63%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###########1 | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##### | 14%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ######4 | 17%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###########2 | 31%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##### | 14%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #######3 | 20%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #############6 | 37%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###########4 | 31%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##### | 14%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ########2 | 22%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ############## | 38%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###########5 | 31%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######################5 | 64%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####1 | 14%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##############3 | 39%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###########7 | 32%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######################6 | 64%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####1 | 14%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##############6 | 40%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###########9 | 32%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######################7 | 64%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####1 | 14%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##############9 | 40%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ############ | 33%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######################8 | 65%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####1 | 14%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ############2 | 33%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###############2 | 41%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ############5 | 34%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #######################9 | 65%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####2 | 14%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###############5 | 42%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #############3 | 36%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ############5 | 34%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####2 | 14%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###############8 | 43%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ##############2 | 38%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ############7 | 35%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####2 | 14%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ################1 | 44%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ############9 | 35%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ############### | 41%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####2 | 14%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ################3 | 44%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #############1 | 36%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ###############8 | 43%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####3 | 14%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ################6 | 45%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #############3 | 36%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####3 | 14%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########################4 | 66%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ################9 | 46%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #################3 | 47%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####3 | 14%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########################5 | 66%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #################2 | 47%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ##################1 | 49%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####3 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########################6 | 67%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #################6 | 48%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####4 | 15%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #############8 | 37%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########################7 | 67%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #################9 | 48%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####4 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########################8 | 67%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ############## | 38%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##################2 | 49%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####4 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########################9 | 67%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##############1 | 38%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##################5 | 50%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####5 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ######################### | 68%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##############3 | 39%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##################8 | 51%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####5 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #########################1 | 68%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##############4 | 39%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###################1 | 52%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####5 | 15%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #########################2 | 68%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##############6 | 40%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###################4 | 52%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #######################9 | 65%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####5 | 15%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##############7 | 40%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###################7 | 53%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ########################8 | 67%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####6 | 15%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##############9 | 40%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #################### | 54%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #########################5 | 69%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####6 | 15%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ############### | 41%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ####################3 | 55%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####6 | 15%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ##########################4 | 72%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###############2 | 41%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ####################6 | 56%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####7 | 15%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ###########################2 | 74%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###############4 | 42%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ####################9 | 57%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####7 | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###############5 | 42%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ###########################9 | 76%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #####################2 | 58%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####7 | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###############7 | 42%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ############################7 | 78%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #####################6 | 58%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####8 | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###############8 | 43%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #############################4 | 80%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #####################9 | 59%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####8 | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ################ | 43%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ##############################2 | 82%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ######################2 | 60%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####8 | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ################1 | 44%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ##############################9 | 84%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ######################6 | 61%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####9 | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ################3 | 44%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ###############################6 | 86%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ####################### | 62%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####9 | 16%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ################################4 | 88%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ################4 | 45%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #######################4 | 63%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####9 | 16%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #################################1 | 90%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ################6 | 45%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####9 | 16%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | #################################8 | 92%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ################7 | 45%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ########################4 | 66%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###### | 16%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ##################################6 | 94%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ################8 | 46%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ########################9 | 67%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##########################8 | 72%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###### | 16%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #########################4 | 69%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ################# | 46%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##########################9 | 73%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###### | 16%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #################1 | 46%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #########################9 | 70%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ########################### | 73%
libcusolver- | 98.3 MB | ####################################8 | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######1 | 17%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##########################4 | 71%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########################1 | 73%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######1 | 17%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ########################### | 73%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########################2 | 74%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######1 | 17%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###########################6 | 75%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########################3 | 74%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | | 0%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######2 | 17%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ############################1 | 76%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########################4 | 74%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | #1 | 3%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######2 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########################6 | 75%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ############################6 | 77%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ##2 | 6%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######2 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########################7 | 75%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #############################1 | 79%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######3 | 17%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##################3 | 50%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########################8 | 75%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ####9 | 13%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #############################6 | 80%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######3 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###########################9 | 76%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ######3 | 17%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ############################## | 81%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######3 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################1 | 76%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | #######8 | 21%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##################8 | 51%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##############################4 | 82%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######4 | 17%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################2 | 76%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##################9 | 51%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ##########9 | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######4 | 17%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##############################7 | 83%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###################1 | 52%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ############5 | 34%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################4 | 77%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######4 | 17%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###################3 | 52%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ##############1 | 38%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################5 | 77%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###################4 | 53%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######4 | 18%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ###############7 | 43%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################6 | 77%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###################6 | 53%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######5 | 18%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | #################3 | 47%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################7 | 78%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###################8 | 54%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######5 | 18%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ##################9 | 51%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################8 | 78%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###################9 | 54%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######5 | 18%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ####################5 | 56%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################9 | 78%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####################1 | 54%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ################################6 | 88%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######5 | 18%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################# | 79%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####################2 | 55%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ################################9 | 89%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######6 | 18%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############################1 | 79%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####################4 | 55%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #################################2 | 90%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######6 | 18%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############################2 | 79%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####################6 | 56%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #################################6 | 91%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######6 | 18%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############################3 | 79%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | #################################9 | 92%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####################7 | 56%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######6 | 18%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############################4 | 80%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##################################2 | 93%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ####################9 | 57%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######6 | 18%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############################5 | 80%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##################################5 | 94%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ################################6 | 88%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######7 | 18%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############################6 | 80%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ##################################9 | 94%
libcurand- | 51.8 MB | ##################################5 | 93%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######7 | 18%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############################7 | 80%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ###################################3 | 95%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######7 | 18%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####################3 | 58%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #############################8 | 81%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######8 | 18%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####################5 | 58%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################## | 81%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######8 | 19%
python-3.11.8 | 32.9 MB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####################7 | 59%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############################1 | 81%
libcufft- | 102.9 MB | ####################################7 | 99%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######8 | 19%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #####################8 | 59%
python-3.11.8 | 32.9 MB | #########2 | 25%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############################2 | 82%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######9 | 19%
python-3.11.8 | 32.9 MB | ######################2 | 60%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###################### | 59%
python-3.11.8 | 32.9 MB | ############################5 | 77%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | #2 | 3%
python-3.11.8 | 32.9 MB | ###################################5 | 96%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | ##4 | 7%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######################1 | 60%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######9 | 19%
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 16.9 MB | | 0%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######################3 | 60%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######9 | 19%
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 16.9 MB | ####8 | 13%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######################5 | 61%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | ###5 | 10%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######9 | 19%
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 16.9 MB | #########7 | 26%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######################7 | 61%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | #####2 | 14%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####### | 19%
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 16.9 MB | ############### | 41%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######################9 | 62%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####### | 19%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############################5 | 83%
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 16.9 MB | ####################7 | 56%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | ########8 | 24%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####### | 19%
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 16.9 MB | ##########################7 | 72%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############################6 | 83%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######1 | 19%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######################2 | 63%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############################7 | 83%
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 16.9 MB | ################################2 | 87%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######1 | 19%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############################7 | 83%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######################3 | 63%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######2 | 19%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############################8 | 83%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######################5 | 64%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | | 0%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######2 | 20%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ##############################9 | 84%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | #### | 11%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######################6 | 64%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######2 | 20%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ############################### | 84%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | ########3 | 22%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######################7 | 64%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######3 | 20%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############################1 | 84%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | ############6 | 34%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #######################9 | 65%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######3 | 20%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############################2 | 84%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | ################9 | 46%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | ############################4 | 77%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ######################## | 65%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######4 | 20%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | #####################4 | 58%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | ###############################3 | 85%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############################4 | 85%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######4 | 20%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | #########################7 | 70%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | ##################################2 | 92%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############################5 | 85%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######5 | 20%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | ############################## | 81%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############################6 | 85%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######5 | 20%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105 | 15.4 MB | ##################################3 | 93%
torchvision-0.15.2 | 10.3 MB | | 0%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############################7 | 86%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######5 | 21%
numpy-base-1.26.4 | 8.3 MB | | 0%
torchvision-0.15.2 | 10.3 MB | ########2 | 22%
numpy-base-1.26.4 | 8.3 MB | #################6 | 48%
torchvision-0.15.2 | 10.3 MB | ################3 | 44%
numpy-base-1.26.4 | 8.3 MB | ###################################2 | 95%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###############################8 | 86%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######6 | 21%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########################5 | 66%
torchaudio-2.2.1 | 6.4 MB | | 0%
torchvision-0.15.2 | 10.3 MB | ###################################1 | 95%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######6 | 21%
libnvjpeg- | 2.9 MB | 1 | 1%
torchaudio-2.2.1 | 6.4 MB | #################4 | 47%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########################6 | 67%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######6 | 21%
libnvjpeg- | 2.9 MB | ###############4 | 42%
torchaudio-2.2.1 | 6.4 MB | ##################################8 | 94%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########################7 | 67%
libcufile- | 1.0 MB | 5 | 2%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######7 | 21%
bzip2-1.0.8 | 262 KB | ##2 | 6%
xz-5.4.6 | 651 KB | 9 | 2%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########################8 | 67%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ################################3 | 87%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######7 | 21%
tzdata-2024a | 116 KB | ##### | 14%
cuda-nvtx-12.1.105 | 57 KB | ##########3 | 28%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ########################9 | 67%
cuda-opencl-12.4.99 | 11 KB | ##################################### | 100%
... (more hidden) ...
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######8 | 21%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########################1 | 68%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #######9 | 21%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########################2 | 68%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######## | 22%
libnpp- | 139.8 MB | ##################################### | 100%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########################3 | 69%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######## | 22%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########################5 | 69%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########1 | 22%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########################6 | 69%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########2 | 22%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########################8 | 70%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########3 | 22%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | #########################9 | 70%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########3 | 23%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##########################1 | 71%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########4 | 23%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##########################2 | 71%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########5 | 23%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ##########################4 | 71%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###################################4 | 96%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########5 | 23%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ###################################7 | 97%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########6 | 23%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | #################################### | 98%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########6 | 23%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####################################4 | 98%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########7 | 24%
libcublas- | 329.0 MB | ####################################7 | 99%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########7 | 24%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########8 | 24%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########9 | 24%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######### | 25%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########1 | 25%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########2 | 25%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########3 | 25%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########4 | 26%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########5 | 26%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########6 | 26%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########7 | 26%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########7 | 26%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########8 | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #########9 | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########## | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########1 | 27%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########2 | 28%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########3 | 28%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########4 | 28%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########5 | 28%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########6 | 29%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########7 | 29%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########8 | 29%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########9 | 29%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##########9 | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########### | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########1 | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########2 | 30%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########3 | 31%
libcusparse- | 163.0 MB | ##################################### | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########4 | 31%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########5 | 31%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########6 | 31%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########7 | 32%
cudatoolkit-11.8.0 | 630.7 MB | ###################################5 | 96%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########7 | 32%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########8 | 32%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###########9 | 32%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ############ | 33%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ############1 | 33%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #############3 | 36%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ################2 | 44%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##################6 | 50%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ###################3 | 52%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105 | 19.7 MB | ##################################### | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####################1 | 54%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####################4 | 55%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####################7 | 59%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #####################9 | 59%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######################1 | 60%
libcufile- | 1.0 MB | ##################################### | 100%
libcufile- | 1.0 MB | ##################################### | 100%
bzip2-1.0.8 | 262 KB | ##################################### | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######################2 | 60%
xz-5.4.6 | 651 KB | ##################################### | 100%
xz-5.4.6 | 651 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libnvjpeg- | 2.9 MB | ##################################### | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######################4 | 61%
cuda-cudart-12.1.105 | 189 KB | ##################################### | 100%
cuda-cudart-12.1.105 | 189 KB | ##################################### | 100%
cuda-nvtx-12.1.105 | 57 KB | ##################################### | 100%
cuda-nvtx-12.1.105 | 57 KB | ##################################### | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######################6 | 61%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ######################8 | 62% [A
tzdata-2024a | 116 KB | ##################################### | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ########################### | 73%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | #################################4 | 90%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ####################################9 | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1 | 1.35 GB | ##################################### | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: By downloading and using the CUDA Toolkit conda packages, you accept the terms and conditions of the CUDA End User License Agreement (EULA):
Installing pip dependencies: - Ran pip subprocess with arguments:
['/home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-U', '-r', '/home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt', '--exists-action=b']
Pip subprocess output:
Collecting transformers (from -r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1))
Downloading transformers-4.38.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (130 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 130.7/130.7 kB 5.0 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (3.13.1)
Collecting huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.19.3 (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1))
Downloading huggingface_hub-0.21.4-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (13 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17 in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.26.4)
Collecting packaging>=20.0 (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1))
Using cached packaging-23.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (3.2 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (6.0.1)
Collecting regex!=2019.12.17 (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1))
Using cached regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (40 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.31.0)
Collecting tokenizers<0.19,>=0.14 (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1))
Downloading tokenizers-0.15.2-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (6.7 kB)
Collecting safetensors>=0.4.1 (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1))
Using cached safetensors-0.4.2-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (3.8 kB)
Collecting tqdm>=4.27 (from transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1))
Downloading tqdm-4.66.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (57 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 57.6/57.6 kB 3.4 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Collecting fsspec>=2023.5.0 (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.19.3->transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1))
Using cached fsspec-2024.2.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.8 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.19.3->transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (4.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests->transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests->transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests->transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /home/wallabot/miniforge3/envs/entorno_desde_archivo/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests->transformers->-r /home/wallabot/Documentos/web/portafolio/posts/condaenv.vsafek98.requirements.txt (line 1)) (2024.2.2)
Downloading transformers-4.38.2-py3-none-any.whl (8.5 MB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 8.5/8.5 MB 40.1 MB/s eta 0:00:0000:0100:01
Downloading huggingface_hub-0.21.4-py3-none-any.whl (346 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 346.4/346.4 kB 20.4 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Using cached packaging-23.2-py3-none-any.whl (53 kB)
Using cached regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (785 kB)
Using cached safetensors-0.4.2-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (1.3 MB)
Downloading tokenizers-0.15.2-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (3.6 MB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3.6/3.6 MB 44.0 MB/s eta 0:00:0000:0100:01
Downloading tqdm-4.66.2-py3-none-any.whl (78 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 78.3/78.3 kB 5.1 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Using cached fsspec-2024.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (170 kB)
Installing collected packages: tqdm, safetensors, regex, packaging, fsspec, huggingface-hub, tokenizers, transformers
Successfully installed fsspec-2024.2.0 huggingface-hub-0.21.4 packaging-23.2 regex-2023.12.25 safetensors-0.4.2 tokenizers-0.15.2 tqdm-4.66.2 transformers-4.38.2
# To activate this environment, use
# $ conda activate entorno_desde_archivo
# To deactivate an active environment, use
# $ conda deactivate

Instalar paquetes desde un archivolink image 8

Otra cosa que podemos hacer es tener una lista de paquetes que queremos instalar, para poder instalar todos de una vez podemos crear un archivo llama requirements.yml con un contenido como el siguiente

        - conda-forge
        - pandas==2.2.1
        - matplotlib==3.8.3

Y ahora le decimos a conda que nos instale esos paquetes

conda install --file requirements.yml
!touch requirements.txt \
&& echo "pandas==2.2.1" >> requirements.txt \
&& echo "matplotlib==3.8.3" >> requirements.txt

Ahora que tenemos el archivo instalamos los paquetes

!touch requirements.txt \
&& echo "pandas==2.2.1" >> requirements.txt \
&& echo "matplotlib==3.8.3" >> requirements.txt
!conda install --file requirements.txt
- conda-forge
- defaults
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: warning libmamba Added empty dependency for problem type SOLVER_RULE_UPDATE
LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:
- package pandas-1.3.3-py37h40f5888_0 requires python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0, but none of the providers can be installed
Could not solve for environment specs
The following packages are incompatible
├─ pandas 1.3.3 is installable with the potential options
│ ├─ pandas 1.3.3 would require
│ │ └─ python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│ ├─ pandas 1.3.3 would require
│ │ └─ python >=3.8,<3.9.0a0 , which can be installed;
│ └─ pandas 1.3.3 would require
│ └─ python >=3.9,<3.10.0a0 , which can be installed;
└─ pin-1 is not installable because it requires
└─ python 3.11.* , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported.
Pins seem to be involved in the conflict. Currently pinned specs:
- python 3.11.* (labeled as 'pin-1')

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Flow edit

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¿Quieres entrenar tu modelo con estos datasets?


Dataset de chistes en inglés


Dataset con traducciones de inglés a español


Dataset con películas y series de Netflix

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